We’re at that stage in our writing where we don’t look at the ‘how to write’ sites any more. We like the sites where writers write about writing. How they work, what they do and the struggles they have with their story.
We don’t quite know how this idea took root. Maybe it’s because Sherylyn was already writing two blogs. Maybe it’s just because as writers, we write. We spend a lot of time thinking about the writing process (I more so than Sherylyn, perhaps), particularly how it relates to two people collaborating on a story and how the two inputs change the story that comes out.
The idea took off from there. Why don’t we write a novel on-line, first draft to finished story, and show the whole process?
Writing a novel takes a long time. Months, often years, of living and dreaming the story, working with the characters, rehashing the plot. It takes effort, determination, dedication. You have to love that story or by the end you can’t stand it.
Over those long months or years the story changes. The story that starts out in our first drafts, at least, is little like the story that finishes up five or more major drafts later. In fact, sometimes the first drafts are so amateur they’re embarrassing to re-read.
We like to know how other people write. Maybe you would too. Maybe, when you’re in the depths of your own novel you can look at our early drafts and take comfort from the fact that out of something so bad may come something good. Maybe, as we struggle with this on-line novel, it will help you as you struggle with yours.