The website has been super slow recently. Slow as in five minutes to save a page slow, and a full minute to load a page slow.
There’s something wrong, we need to work out what it is. Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to trace it yet. Rather than pull the website down altogether, we’re trying to reset everything in the background, and slowly eliminate any issues.
Over the next week we may revert back to the default website for a time. Pages may go temporarily missing, links not work properly, or images in weird places. Bear with us please. It will better when it’s done. (Even if we have to build a brand new website). More importantly, it will be faster.
Meantime, if any links go missing:
The newsletter is due out this week. If you want to subscribe and are having trouble finding the subscribe button, try this link, instead.
If you’re trying to contact us and aren’t sure if the contact box has worked, drop us a line at
Thanks for your patience.