Here’s a dilemma I never expected to have. All our books are starting to sound the same.
Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but I am noticing aspects of one book creeping into other books.
Take Barrain, for instance. As part of the rewrite for this draft we introduced a substance called bloodleaf, so named because it reacts with the blood and that reaction is important to the story.
In Potion we gave a substance called bloodstone, so named because it reacts with the blood. That reaction is important to the story.
In Barrain Caid is a nice guy but most people think of him as cold and distant, initially at least. In Potion, Alun is a nice guy but most people think of him as cold and distant at first too. Both of them have heavy responsibilities.
These two stories are different. One is a rescue mission, the other is the story of a man who is stranded outside his own world.
And yet, how different are they really? Sometimes I find myself writing things Scott, in Barrain, says that I know could equally well be said by Blade, the point-of-view character in Potion.
Are we writing the same book over and over? I don’t think so.
Are we using the same main characters over and over? That I’m not so sure about.
In the next draft of Barrain we will really have to look at Scott’s and Caid’s characters to ensure that they are unique, and not just badly formed clones of Blade and Alun.