I was catching up on other author’s blog posts and came across Ilona Andrews Comfort Reads post. (Yes, I’m behind, but you know, when the writing’s hot, you’ve got to write, not read.) Reading through the comments—because that’s half the fun of reading blog posts—I was happy to see that a lot of readers like my favourite, Sweep of the Blade. I love Maud’s story. I love Helen and her rippercushions. (And Arland’s okay, too. 😊)
It got me thinking, though. The topic of the blog was what was the author’s (Ilona’s in this case) favourite comfort-read novel of their own.
Like most authors, my favourite novel is often the one I am writing now (90,000 words so far, and still enjoying it) but if I had to choose from out admittedly small list of published stories for a comfort read I’d probably choose Confluence?
Why? I enjoy rereading them all, but I have all five books close to my desk and that’s the one I tend to pick up when I’m stuck with the writing (or yes, to be honest, wasting time) open to a page and then realise I’ve read to the end of the book.
Coming soon. Other authors book I have as comfort reads.
4 replies on “Comfort reads”
Would love to hear what your comfort reads are! Linesman is one of mine – I just like Ian as a character and his development in that story.
I’ll head off to read the Ilona Andrews blog post in a minute; the question is certainly an interesting one.
My favorite reread of your books, Karen, is Linesman though Alliance and Confluence are not far behind. I think it’s because that is the book in which the world is established/we meet the characters.
Linesman. Although the others are close as well because as soon as I finish Linesman, I’m reaching for the next…..
Linesman for me as well although Alliance is a close second with Selma!