This year has gone so fast. it’s May already, and that means Eurovision time.
Like many Australians, we have watched the Eurovision for many years. Back then we took the British telecast and Terry Wogan’s droll comments were part of the entertainment. (Not sure he’d be allowed to comment that way any more, and I think that’s a good thing.)
So Australia has a long history of watching the Eurovision, but how on earth we ever got to compete … it is the ‘Euro’ vision.
I have no idea what we would do if we won.
Still, I like the Australian song entry. It’s one of my favourites. But then, I’m a sucker for a power ballad.
2 replies on “It’s Eurovision again … already”
I agree with your comment, the late Terry Wogan’s commentary made the whole Eurovision contest for us in the UK and now we have Graham Norton who isn’t quite the same but still good fun.
I think if you guys won, next year would have been held in Berlin.
But as to why you guys were in it again this year no idea about that decision making process but you are most welcome and did a lot better than your British ‘cousins’. I never really know why we get an automatic pass into the final maybe it’s Europe’s way making fun as we always come near bottom! :o)
The first time our local commentators (Julia Zemiro and Sam Pang) took over our show I think they tried to out-Terry Terry, They got better, or maybe I just got used to them.
I’m curious as to why you say Berlin. I would have thought somewhere in Britain, Ireland, Italy or Greece.