We got the edits back for Stars Beyond early this week.
The changes our editor asked for weren’t too bad. Although, I have been rereading the story since, and some of the word choices in the first four chapters sound flat.
It doesn’t take much to fix. Little tweaks here and there, but I’m relieved we’ve had enough time away from the book to pick them up.
Edits are due back by early May. We have some work to do.
2 replies on “Progress report”
Sounds like it was really good news then!
It certainly wasn’t bad news. The trouble with writers is even when it’s good news, they’ll dissect it as if it is bad. The changes are unexpectedly doable, all the same. Last time we had to cut 10,000 words, and do a whole lot of other things. This time, everything’s manageable. (Admittedly, we kept to the word count this time.)