Fun stuff

Star Trek Beyond

Karl Urban as Bones and Zachary Quinto as Spock in Star Trek Beyone.
Karl Urban as Bones and Zachary Quinto as Spock in Star Trek Beyone.

We’re in the middle of writing our next book.  (And by middle, I mean middle.  We’ve hovered between 68,000 and 70,000 words for two weeks now. Working hard, but the rewrites. 🙂 )

It’s been quite relaxing. No deadlines yet.

We’ve had time to do other things, like go to the movies.  There have been some good movies lately.  Jason Bourne.  And, of course, Star Trek.

I liked them all, but I have to single out Star Trek Beyond.  It was good to see all the main cast getting screen time.  Especially the interplay between Bones and Spock.

To quote Variety magazine, it was a movie that

 lets us share quality time with cast members who now seem like old friends.

The story was logical, too (for a Star Trek). Lots of fun.

We need more movies like this.

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