November is nearly here and that means NaNoWriMo.
Write a novel in a month. 50,000 words. It’s a big job.
For the last few years work deadlines have stopped me entering NaNoWriMo. November for my company is always a busy month as major projects go live then, trying to get them out the door before everything slows down for the summer break. We spend long hours at work, working weekends and late into the night if necessary.
This year August, September and October have been hectic, but November looks to be quietening down. I may be able to fit in a novel.
I’m going to try, anyway.
Sherylyn’s going to do it too. She also starts a new job in November.
I suspect we’ll both be highly stressed and hardly have time to talk about our other works in progress, including Barrain, which is coming along fine, although this draft will not be finished before November.
And to all you other Wrimos out there—may the words come swiftly, may the plot unfold without effort and may your writing time be plentiful. Chookas.