NaNoWriMo starts on the 1st November.
While both Sherylyn and I would love to do another NaNo, neither of us will be doing it this year. We’re in the middle of Linesman II, and can’t break in the middle to write a new story. Plus we need to re-look at Linesman I.
It’s a pity. I had my NaNo story decided months ago. A light science fiction, a little bit corny but hopefully amusing in parts. I’m not great on humor, but I was going to see what I could do without the humor being too forced. One of the great things about writing so fast is that even if it’s not working, you have only spent a month on it, not six.
Maybe I’ll do my own personal NaNo early next year.
We are both taking time out to go to GenreCon Australia. It’s on the 2-4 November. If you’re coming along, we look forward to seeing you there.