Crazy things have been happening to our website this week. Things keep disappearing. Last week’s blog, included. Unfortunately, I only had an early version, so I’ve cobbled this together from the early version (and pre-dated it back to Sunday, so you’ll know it’s not new).
Fingers crossed, everything has settled now.
I wanted to do another quiz. After all, we haven’t had anything light-hearted for a while. But unfortunately, I got a bit smart with the quiz program. I downloaded a WordPress plugin, and set up my quiz on there. Then I logged out.
Next time I tried to log on, I couldn’t. The login page was blank.
My friend, Google, (Google is always your friend) told me how to fix it. Which I did, except when I logged in next time, all our other customisations on the site had disappeared. It was a fun couple off hours putting them back in. I think it’s all back to normal, but if you see anything missing off the site, drop us a line and we’ll fix it.
So no quiz. Instead, let’s talk about the next project.
Since we sent off CONFLUENCE we’ve taken time to read other people’s books. This is always nice. Finally got to read Fool’s Quest, by Robin Hobb. This is book two of Fitz and the Fool. Hanging out for book three now.
We’re not sure yet what we’ll be working on next. That will depend on our agent and editor. But after we’d read a few books were ready to write again.
We dragged out the draft of a story we had started writing back before we got the contract for LINESMAN. It’s another book set in the Linesman universe (the first of three), but with a different protagonist. We’d written two drafts already, even done a read-through. It was, or so we remembered, pretty good.
We re-read it.
It needs a lot of re-writing.