Site redesign
We’ve updated our website. The old site had been around a while, and didn’t scale super well on mobiles and tablets. So we’ve gone for a new look.
Over the next few weeks we’ll fine-tune it, but the basic design is there.
It has changed the way some images are presented. We have gone back and updated the last few weeks’ posts, but we won’t do them all. As a result, you will see that a lot of the old blogs don’t appear to have images associated with them. They do, but they’re not displayed until you actually view the post itself.
We have also introduced a newsletter. If you want to receive a quarterly newsletter from us, why don’t you subscribe?
It’s hard to test newsletters. Once you subscribe, that’s it. You can’t resend it to yourself, and short of signing up to multiple dummy emails (not something we want to do), we have to believe it’s okay.
If you do sign up, you should receive your first newsletter straight away. If you don’t get that newsletter, please let us know and we’ll see if we can find what the problem is. This is new technology for us, and until we’ve used it a while we’re nervous about it.
Outside of that
We’re still working on the drafts of the book to be delivered after Stars Uncharted. We are both adding lots of words, and taking out just as much. Sherylyn’s really on a roll writing this week, which is good.
The story is starting to settle, and feel like a story we want to read/write.
2 replies on “A new year, a new look … and a newsletter”
Hi I tried to subscribe to the newsletter and it said I needed to confirm my email but I haven’t received an email to do that. Have checked my junk mail to no avail. Hope this helps with tweaks to the website which is looking good btw.
Thanks, Mike.
I left you a separate message re your subscription. If you haven’t received it, let me know at