Our garden is overgrown with weeds at the moment.
Helen, who used to do our weeding for us, retired some months ago. She was eighty-one years old.
She started weeding because she wanted to earn a little extra money. She was worried her rent would increase. Not only that, she lived in an upstairs flat, so she didn’t have a garden of her own, and she enjoyed working.
She came once a week, sun, hail or shine. She was fantastic.
By the end of the day she was exhausted, and then she had to get home. It got too much for her, so she finally said she couldn’t do it any more.
Sherylyn was talking to her the other day.
A downstairs flat in the block she lives in had become vacant. Her landlord offered it to her for the same rent she has now. Not only that, he said he wouldn’t increase her rent while she lived in the unit. And that’s not all. He’s pulled up some of the concrete for her out the back, so she can have her own garden.
Helen, may your garden be as beautiful as you made ours.